“Not only is there no God, but try finding a plumber on Sunday.”
Woody Allen
Winter weather has arrived early this year in the San Francisco Bay Area. At a time when we would normally be enjoying the last few weeks of the typical warm Indian summer and maybe a sunny Thanksgiving the rains have settled in. Much to my dog’s dismay the trips to the local ball field to let her run around have been cut short. Getting the mud off a setter is no simple chore so we’re relegated to walks down the recreation path. And no I didn't have an eggnog latte this morning. Nothing particularly against the gloppy drink but I need to keep down the calorie count on this Sunday before Thanksgiving.
Twas weeks before Christmas and all through Star-bucks: Thanksgiving is still days away and I’m already approaching Christmas overload. Starbucks has started the nonstop Christmas music. Can’t we at least wait until after we’ve gotten up from the post-Thanksgiving dinner nap? There is one interesting phenomenon about Christmas music. At what other time of the year would the under 25 crowd that normally listens to hip-hop suddenly listen to hours of Sinatra, Crosby and classical music?
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The new formal wear? |
You don’t got to show me no stinking Elmo: According to a Nielsen survey the most wanted Christmas gift among 6 – 12 year olds is the iPad. Wow; and to think that when I was 6 or 7 I was looking for a set of toy soldiers and a slot car set.
Capitalist bastard, baseball edition: I’d like to thank Bud Selig for sticking yet another pin in his baseball voodoo doll by announcing last week that there will be another wild card team in the playoff mix. That must be because a 162 game schedule just isn’t nearly enough to determine which teams are the most deserving. Or maybe it could be all about more revenue from an extra playoff game.
But when will little Johnny have time to play video games? Reading Tom Brokaw’s new book The Times of Our Lives. Brokaw relates the story of when he was in South Korea to cover the Olympics; “Because of the time difference I anchored Nightly News at 5:30 AM, Seoul time. We broadcast from a building roof overlooking a junior high school. The first morning when I finished at 6:00 I was startled to see the schoolyard crowded with uniformed students hunched over their textbooks, studying by flashlight, waiting for the doors to open at 6:30.” Meanwhile here in California, which was once the model for the world, budget cuts may shorten the school year, class sizes continue to grow, students are forced to use woefully out of date textbooks and parents whine that their poor dears get too much homework. We can thank the GOP faction of the state legislature for not allowing any, and I mean any, new taxes or extensions of expiring taxes. Not to worry though. While our kids learn to kill zombies in their elementary years, get piercings and tats in their high school years and get put on a fast track to careers at coffee houses and record stores we can rest assured that if we need any engineers or scientists they can always be imported from India, China and Korea.
On a related note, I wonder how successful our nation’s youth would be if parents were as attentive to their childrens' academics as they are to their athletics. Parents never seem to have a problem getting their kids to soccer practice and then spending hours huddled on a chilly evening watching that practice. But getting parents engaged in their kids academics or with the school results in a weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. “I don’t have time to get involved with the school. When are we going to have time for dinner?” Dinner didn’t seem to be a problem during that 7 PM practice that was being held by the dim light of an autumn moon. Do parents spend as much time making sure that their son can read at grade level as they do making sure that he can read the opposing team’s defensive scheme? Do they put as much effort in getting to know the teacher as they do the coach? Part of that problem might be the unrealistic expectation of the coveted D-1 scholarship. It’s a lot sexier to brag about a full ride basketball scholarship than the one for writing an essay about Gandhi. Unfortunately that athletic scholarship is a lot more elusive. Case in point, there are about 19,500 D-1 and D-2 football scholarships available to be divvied up among about a million boys who play football.
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Let's see, Libya. Is it bigger than a breadbox? |
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Wants to be your priest |
Trashing Tim: Listening to sports talk radio last Friday morning following the Denver Broncos’ Tebowing of the New York Jets I caught another installment of the new national sport which is making sport of Tim Tebow. It’s the fashionable thing to do these days. Now I have no real issue with the criticism of Tebow’s skills as an NFL quarterback. As a passer he’d be challenged to hit the ocean standing on the beach. But the boys on this show, were taking on Tim Tebow the person; too squeaky clean, too goody two shoes, derisively describing a Tebow interview sound bite as a “Disney moment. This is a common theme of the criticism. Well just what is it that we’re looking for? The normal sports talk fare is an unhealthy serving of jocks behaving badly; shootings at strip clubs, greed, over the top end zone celebrations and fines for various and sundry rules violations both on and off the field. So now we have an unpretentious young man who carries himself with dignity and grace in the face of derision, who has done more charity work in his short life than most do in an entire lifetime and he gets pilloried as if he was a linebacker who beat up an overweight, out of shape salesman in a bar dispute. I should probably put this particular bashing in perspective. It was delivered by a drive time pair who call themselves, Murph and Mac. Their shtick could best be described as juvenile although when they want to put on their serious hats they manage to elevate themselves to drunken frat boy. Okay I’ve given up the secret that I’m less than impressed with this pair. I only listen to them when I jump from another station that’s gone to commercial. Aside from the poop and belch humor they embrace, my problem with these guys is that they’re basically two pudgy dough boys who would probably huff and puff after a flight of stairs and they have the gall to criticize high performance athletes. There’s something in that deserving of a penalty flag.
Red and gold revival: Folks are filtering into Starbucks proudly sporting their San Francisco 49er gear. It’s been a long time since Niner jackets have been worn with pride. Under new coach, Jim Harbuagh the 49ers have made a remarkable resurgence. Maybe the best part of the story has been the redemption of quarterback Alex Smith who was mishandled badly by two coaches who through Smith’s current success have been exposed as incompetent pretenders. Harbaugh’s team proves that coaches make a difference.
It’s time to adjourn now and go pick up the turkey for Thanksgiving; about 20 pounds should do. Holy moly, there must have been a pajama party. Another one makes an appearance. Cheeks jiggling like Santa’s belly; or a bowl full of jelly.
The part of the current "fashion" trend of young women dressing in pajama bottoms and the bare midriff that gets me is that so many of them are woefully overweight and still think it looks good for their gut to be hanging out for all the world to see.
ReplyDeleteBud Selig is a pathetic joke as baseball commissioner. Hopefully he'll keep his word and bow out soon. Of course, his replacement may be just as bad, another toady for the owners. If Bud had his way, the World Series would be played around Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas, the only thing worse than being bombarded with holiday music in every store would be the meatheads who think it's a nifty idea to have one of those devices that plays non-stop Christmas music installed on their front lawn. Great, because they love the sound of that insipid nonsense their neighbors have to listen to it. There is a clown on my block who does this. No exaggeration, it is audible several houses away in any direction. Fortunately I live far enough away to only hear it while walking in the vicinity.
I agree about the deplorable situation with our school system. One thing about working with the public (in my case a public library) is that daily one is reminded that there are an astonishing amount of really stupid people out there, many of whom procreate at an alarming rate. Kids now can figure out every app on their phones but can't figure out how to use a library catalog. I understood the Dewey Decimal System in elementary school and I'm not good at math. It shouldn't be a surprise, though, when I encounter so many people who ask me where to find the "Bibliography" section. It'll be only a matter of time before my mind totally snaps and I scream at someone "It's biography, not bibliography!"
On a related note, the frightening thing about Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, and Sarah Palin is that many people in this country think highly of them. JFK and RFK had their flaws but they were both intelligent enough to be considered good choices for President. Many of the political hacks that the GOP puts on display aren't worthy of being elected city dog catcher.
Your comments about sports talk radio illustrate why I don't listen to talk radio of any type. It gets back to my previous comments about the appalling number of painfully stupid people running around loose. I'll listen to them in the course of my job but refrain from doing so off work. Just to clarify, I don't include in that generalization of stupidity people who are at least making the effort to learn. That certainly includes those who aren't computer savvy or who aren't knowledgeable about any number of subjects. The ones who can't be bothered to attempt to figure out something fairly simple before they ask for help are the stupid ones. At least make an effort, folks. I generally believe in the adage that a question isn't stupid if the questioner really doesn't know the answer. When the reason that the person doesn't know the answer is that they can't be bothered to make the effort to find out on their own, that's when the question borders on stupid.
It isn't just young women that wear their jammies. I've seen many, too many, men wearing pajama bottoms. And lets face it, how many men do we see wearing a team jersey and sporting an outsize boiler.
ReplyDeleteAgreed on the Christmas music display. There was a video a few years ago that showed some fellow's display that featured lights synchronized to music. The guy was a sound engineer or something along those lines. The video went viral and suddenly there were lighting sets with sound available to everyone. I actually listen to xmas music on Pandora at work but not until December sets in.
My theory about talk radio is that it's just shtick. If you have a show say something outrageous just to get the audience going.