It wasn’t a
gun. It wasn’t a bomb. It wasn’t a
machete. It was a truck. 2 -3 minutes.
84 now dead, including 10 children. Do you understand now? It’s not the
weapon. It’s the ideology. ~ A viral Facebook post.

Yes the words of that viral post got me to thinking and
then I recalled some past dark and disturbing thoughts of my own. My boss had thoroughly pissed me off. I was beside myself with anger. She had given me a dressing down in front of
my peers; humiliated me. A day or so
later I was returning from lunch with a leftover sub sandwich in my hand. I
walked past her car and there she was taking her noontime nap, mouth open,
drool oozing from her mouth. Still seething, I stopped and plotted. I
could take this sandwich, I thought, jam it in her mouth and down her throat and hold it
there until she expired. Death by hoagie. I could see the ensuing headline; Sammicide: Disgruntled Employee Kills Boss With Tuna Sandwich The sandwich lobby would naturally be in a panic. Every Subway would display the slogan, When sandwiches are outlawed, only outlaws will have sandwiches.
All of the preceding is of course patent crap. But it’s not as ridiculous as
that post that went viral. And not nearly as insulting. That pile of
road apples (horse shit for those not of my generation) is the same nonsense
that the gun lobby has been dumping on the public for decades. I remember it when I was a kid and mass
shootings were more or less a rarity.
Mass shootings, hell – shootings in general, have now become so commonplace
that we would accept a day without gun violence as a welcome respite from the norm.
It’s not the weapon. It’s the ideology.
Garret Graves, GOP
Representative from Louisiana tweeted, Wondering
if the president is going to propose truck control now.
Breitbart contributor James
Delingpole also took to Twitter, Ban
trucks! We need truck control, like they have in Canada
Yes I said ridiculous and insulting. Ridiculous because it is simply an
asinine apples and oranges argument. Let’s
just leave it at this; vehicles were invented for transportation; pens were
invented for writing; baseball bats were invented as an implement of the
national pastime. And guns were invented
for; hmmm, let me think about that for a ... nanosecond. Yeah they were invented for killing. And that technology for killing has improved
(for lack of a better term) exponentially since I was a kid and first heard
this hooey (and even as a kid I recognized it for the baloney that it is).
The sad truth though is that in America someone with mass
killing on his mind doesn’t need to waste his time with a truck or a box
cutter. In America killing with a gun is as convenient as buying a gallon of milk at the mom and pop store. In America we have a national
organization (NRA) that is glad to promote a policy that makes an assault rifle
with endless clips available to just about anyone who wants to have one. And legislators who's balls are in the pocket of NRA Chief Wayne LaPierre are totally willing to back that policy. When getting an automatic weapon is easier than getting a driver's license why bother with something as unwieldy as a truck or as inefficient as a box cutter?
This equivalence of guns to just about any object that comes to the feeble mind is insulting. It insults
the people who died in Nice; it insults the victims of Sandy Hook (and their
families) and other tragedies and it insults anyone who wants to have a meaningful dialog. In fact it insults this very serious and controversial subject that costs lives on a daily basis.
Am I surprised that the Facebook post went viral? Oh hell no. The gun nuts grab at this stuff
as if it were Benjamins falling from the sky.
They’re the lemmings who will gladly follow Wayne LaPierre off the cliff,
taking a nation and the butcher’s bill along with them.
And hey, looking for a twisted ideology?
Look no further than the National Rifle Association.
The post of course ignores the fact that most of the mass killings in America are not due to any ideology (Translated - Islam). Adam Lanza didn't shoot up an elementary school after killing his mother over a religion. James Holmes didn't bring his arsenal into a theater for any political belief. If they had any ideology it must have been told to them by the demonic voices that were rattling around in their heads. Doug Williams' apparent ideology was that he had issues with his job so he decided to kill 6 of his co-workers at Lockheed Martin. None of them chose to use the cumbersome and messy method of a box cutter.
This is the “guns don’t kill people, people kill people”
hokum that’s transmitted like a virus by folks who pretend that they hold
dearly to the Constitution. Unfortunately
most of these folks cling to only one single amendment – the second; and the
hell with the rest of it; particularly the first, thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth
amendments. By and large these are the same
sheep who baa in deference to one Donald J. Trump who, in a discussion of the
Constitution proudly asserted, “I’m for Article I, I’m for Article II, I’m for
Article XII.” Unfortunately there is no Article XII - or an VIII through XI for that matter. So these Constitutionally savvy folks are perfectly fine with a president who has no apparent clue when it comes to basic high school civics. It's all about a perverted interpretation of the Second Amendment.
These are the same yahoos that think open carry is just mahvelous. "One good guy with a gun will stop a shooter," we're told. That worked really well in Dallas when one gunman was shooting at police who had their attention diverted from the shooter by the open carry crowd who thought it was a great idea to bring a gun to what had been a peaceful demonstration. Apparently once the shooting started the "good guys" scattered like rats. Which was probably the only good that came from those cowboys. Open carry.
These are the same yahoos that think open carry is just mahvelous. "One good guy with a gun will stop a shooter," we're told. That worked really well in Dallas when one gunman was shooting at police who had their attention diverted from the shooter by the open carry crowd who thought it was a great idea to bring a gun to what had been a peaceful demonstration. Apparently once the shooting started the "good guys" scattered like rats. Which was probably the only good that came from those cowboys. Open carry.
It’s not the
weapon. It’s the ideology. Reading that kind of fallacious rubbish
absolutely infuriates me (as if you couldn’t tell – right?). And it should infuriate anyone with any sort
of cognitive thought process. But more than that it saddens me. It’s depressing because when this sort of poppycock goes viral what it tells me is that there is probably no solution. It tells me that this nation has been
hijacked by a paranoid, testosterone fueled, gun crazed notion that a writing implement
is as deadly as an AR-15. Now THAT is a perverted
ideology and in this instance the deadly weapon IS the ideology.
Footnote: As this writing was being completed reports came out that officers in Baton Rouge were shot. 3 killed - 7 wounded. Reports are that the shooter had an assault rifle. No confirmation as of this writing and all of the facts still have to be confirmed. It is another sad chapter in our gun crazed story. I pray for the officers and their families.
Footnote: As this writing was being completed reports came out that officers in Baton Rouge were shot. 3 killed - 7 wounded. Reports are that the shooter had an assault rifle. No confirmation as of this writing and all of the facts still have to be confirmed. It is another sad chapter in our gun crazed story. I pray for the officers and their families.
We lived in a time when a president was killed in Dallas, a civil rights leader was killed in Memphis, and a presidential candidate was killed in Los Angeles. The last of those acts occurred in 1968. Maybe those have been forgotten. I haven't forgotten any of them. The library I work in has a security guard, a good guy who does a good job. We live in an open carry state. He told me recently that he changed barber shops because the shop he frequented banned customers who came in with guns. I asked him why it was so important for him to be able to carry a gun into a barber shop, to which he couldn't or wouldn't answer.