Clearly America has reached the point at which she needs
to look herself in the eye. Look herself
in the eye, take a collective deep breath and be honest with herself. She needs to come to grips with the realities
of gun violence and admit some simple truths.
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A table of death at a gun show |
is a nation that was born through the barrel of a gun.
expanded through the barrel of a gun (with the help of shifty treaties).
mythology is one that is based on the firearm.
used to be shocked and outraged when children were the victims of gun violence.
used to be shocked and outraged over mass shootings.
shooting of children has become so pervasive that the shock value has worn off.
shootings have become so pervasive that the shock value has worn off.
a mass shooting politicians will harrumph and posture that something has to be
politicians will say we need more restrictive gun laws so that it isn't so
easy to buy a gun.
National Rifle Association will say that restrictive gun laws won’t stop gun
violence. The NRA will then target the
politicians that say we need more restrictive gun laws.
The politicians
who said we need restrictive gun laws will immediately fall into dead silence and skulk below the NRA radar.
National Rifle Association will say that we need MORE guns in circulation and
then it will get out its checkbook.
the NRA gets out its checkbook politicians will propose legislation to
relax gun restrictions.
A week or so after a mass
shooting something else will dominate the news cycle and the politicians will
all breathe a sigh of relief and every sphincter on Capitol Hill will be loosened for having been taken off the gun violence hook.
familiar NRA slogans, “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people,” and “Even a
hammer (or the household tool of your choice) is a weapon if someone wants to
kill someone so lets outlaw hammers” are patent bullshit that insult the intelligence of any person with any thread of reason.
make it easy and expedient for people to kill people; much more so than a
hammer (or the household tool of your choice).
Or tell me, please tell me, when was the last time you heard of a drive
by hammering?
are terrified of the National Rifle Association.
it comes to the issue of guns far too many politicians have parked their morals
at the voting booth curtain or their own bank depository. In their
heart of hearts some may actually believe that our gun laws are too lax and
they might even admit that to the spouse on a vow of secrecy but they so like
their jobs, or the money, or the power, or the prestige or all of the above that they
will remain unrepentant whores to the NRA.
other turd that the NRA drops about about how guns are safe in the hands
of “law abiding citizens” is also a bunch of fucking hokum. Everybody is a law abiding citizen up until
the point that he hears strange voices, or has a few too many at the bar, or
gets pissed off at the driver that cut him off, or the wife that cuckolded him
or the boss that fired him, or the bully that bullied him. And then he gets his law abiding hands on a
gun and ceases to be a law abiding citizen.
It’s likely that the formerly law abiding citizen had no intention of
murder when he bought his gun that supposedly “doesn't kill people.”
Americans no longer really care anymore.
A mass shooting occurs or a 3 year old won’t celebrate his fourth
Christmas because he was hit by a “stray bullet” (God I love that term), and there’s
a national clucking and tsk-tsking and shaking of heads and cries of “horrible,”
“terrible” and “tragic.” And then before
the corpses are even cold Americans go back to what’s REALLY important; you
know, Dancing with the Stars, or the fortunes of the local football team, or some
other fucking nonsense because all that shooting stuff is just too depressing.
Americans don’t want to go onto Facebook or any other social media and debate
the issues or challenge the Ted Nugents of the world because we don’t want to
use social networking as an educational tool or a forum for debate. We have more important things to post about;
like our workouts, our gardens, a new pasta recipe, the cat’s hemorrhoids or
some other twaddle. And so because
politics and issues of the day are too depressing or we say with chests thrust
out that the muck of politics is beneath us, ideas will never be shared, minds
will remain closed and stances uncompromising.
And so we can remain secure in not being challenged for our own ideas
and continue to be well liked because we didn’t offend that “friend” five
states away whom we’ve never met. But hey
I just PRed in my marathon.
There's a fair sized congregation of hoopleheads in America that promotes a twisted nationalistic vision of Christianity that somehow has placed
the Shooter’s Bible cheek by jowl with the Holy Bible. Otherwise we would never have been graced by that
insipid slogan, “God, Guts and Guns made this country great.” What would Jesus have fired?
notion of rights has been horribly twisted.
The right to attend class, go to church, drive down the street or walk
the sidewalks without being murdered or hit by a “stray” (God I love that term)
bullet has been trumped by the right of the paranoid who’ve armed themselves to
the teeth waiting for that intruder who will probably never show up; but they might just accidentally off the unfortunate spouse that comes home late and unannounced one night. The
right to feel reasonably safe from being shot is superseded by folks who see
themselves as latter day Paul Reveres that need to have an arsenal in the event
that we need another revolution – self-proclaimed patriots who've no more real
knowledge of revolutionary America than they do quantum physics.
second amendment may very well be an 18th century anachronism that should be
repealed but that will happen on the 12th of NEVER because repealing the 2nd amendment smacks of unpatriotic, pagan sacrilege.
is coming off the rails. What more
evidence do we need than the fact that the State of Georgia has passed a law
allowing the carrying of firearms damn near anywhere including schools,
churches and bars. Bars for Chrissakes;
because everyone knows that the only thing that mixes with that 3rd or 4th glass of Jack
Daniels better than 7-Up is a loaded Glock.
notion that it’s too difficult to restrict the flow of guns yet somehow easier
to identify the criminally insane is an idea that in itself is utterly loony.
is a ridiculous, blatant hypocrisy perpetrated by the NRA that says we
need to keep guns out of the hands of the criminally insane who can, by the way, stroll into a gun show and walk out loaded for bear; or more likely for people. Yet at the same time the NRA talks out of the other side of its face railing against the closing of loopholes that make it easy for the criminally insane to buy a gun at a gun show.
And finally let’s face the most depressing and
overriding truth of all. The horse left
the barn long, long ago and he’s ambling down the road towing a war wagon of
guns. Right now there’s no way to corral
that horse and stop the madness because there’s no apparent will. Oh sure there are some folks with the
testicular fortitude to fight the fight, and some, like Michael Bloomberg even
have deep pockets. But for the most part
many are too lazy, too apathetic and too fucking shiftless. “It’s too hard, it’s too depressing, it’s too
political. I don’t know enough and it’s too much work to learn and I’m too
busy.” And as for those that are in power
and have influence? They must be on the
payroll of the NRA. Why else would they
side with the gun lobby and ignore the will of most Americans who favor more
restrictive gun laws? Because in the corporatocracy that is America
the notion of government of, by and for the people can’t keep up with the race down the money trail.
If all of this seems like a rant well you’re right. This post is fueled by anger. It’s fueled by my anger and the anger and the
anguish of a friend who spent her Memorial Day with her daughter at a memorial. Not for a fallen soldier but for a fallen
civilian; a friend of her daughter’s killed at the massacre at Isla Vista near
the UCSB Campus.
Well said! I too am a boomer, and my daughter's best friend was Veronika Weiss, one of the victims of the UCSB shootings. I too am angry and I suppose that up until the UCSB tragedy happened I was one of those people who avoided posting my political/gun control views on FB. No longer. Most of my friends are pro gun control so most of the comments were in support of my post. There was however a former student of mine (I'm a high school teacher) who took exception to my comments and took up that annoying smokescreen of an argument that they should ban BMWs and kitchen knives. ALL of my FB friends ganged up on this young man with posts and he got more and more defensive and more sarcastic. His arguments became more and more shallow and it saddened me to think that someone could actually believe the bullshit he was spouting. How can a college educated person become so ignorant?? I wish I knew.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comments. I had posted twice before on guns and I'd no intention of posting again until I found out that the daughter of one of my FB friends knew a victim. While this post was written out of anger, its tone is unfortunately one of despair and almost surrender.
DeleteI recall the hardening of my views towards the NRA. I can't remember when it was but I recall that the NRA was digging in its heels regarding gun control. There was no compromise and there was no reason coming from that quarter. And so my opinion hardened and grew more and more extreme in opposition to the gun lobby until I reached this point at which I believe that we simply need to repeal the 2nd amendment. That won't happen of course - at least not in my lifetime.
For anything meaningful to occur there will have to be a significant change in what we, the citizenry and the leadership, value. Right now those with the power to bring about change value money and the ability to feather their own nests. Which brings me to the insipid arguments like those put forth by your former student. These arguments unfortunately appeal to the lowest common denominator and even more unfortunately are financially backed by the NRA and so will continue to carry a great deal of weight - bullshit or not.
The Second Amendment is for me one of the core problems with Armed America. It is part of an 18th century anachronism, the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. is one of the few "civilized" nations that does not rewrite its constitution every once in a while or more frequently. Ours is ridiculously outdated, something written and adopted in a 3 miles per hour world. The 21st century is a 200+ miles per hour world and any nation on this planet needs to have a document of ruling principles that is relevant to the present, not the distant past.
ReplyDeleteInstead, we as a nation have allowed ourselves to be hamstrung by an antiquated constitution. We can't even manage to come to an understanding of what the Second Amendment means in these times, so we can't get it together sufficiently to put together a constitution that works in today's society.
The NRA has become a loathsome thing. In their self-promoting and self-congratulating publication American Rifleman, there is a regular feature titled The Armed Citizen. It features news items about citizens with guns fending off someone who has threatened their homes and families. They manage to avoid the statistical reality that citizens who have guns for protection are more likely to have those guns used against them.
Once again, someone with serious anti-social problems has decided that killing a bunch of people who he has never met was the answer to his rage against those who he believed were the cause of his problems. Once again, we have people like your friend whose daughter lost a dear friend, people who have lost family members, and those of us who are sickened by the frequency of attacks against people who are like us.
The NRA is a deplorable organization whose members are for the most part decent citizens who have chosen to believe that gun ownership is a sacred right that should not be abolished. To use the famous line from the comic strip Pogo, we have met the enemy and he is us.
You're quite right about the Constitution being anachronistic. The 2nd amendment aside, one of the most glaring anachronisms is the electoral college. The power of Congress to declare war has for the most part been swept aside. The negotiations and debate surrounding the adoption and ratification of the Constitution were rancorous enough. It's almost terrifying to contemplate the train wreck that would be a contemporary constitutional convention.
DeleteThe Supreme Court kicked the 2nd amendment can down the road until the recent bunch of conservatives squashed the notion that it pertains to a militia - completely ignoring history.
Your characterization of the NRA as a deplorable organization is spot on.
Excellent point about the electoral college. It was outdated by the end of the 19th century. There have been several examples of presidents being elected who won the popular vote but lost with the electors. Once would have been one too many, more than one is inexcusable.
DeleteElecting a president is too important to be implemented by a system as outdated as a Model A Ford. The winner take all provision is an inspired piece of political stupidity.
Voter participation in major elections is abysmally low. One reason I often read or hear is "my vote doesn't count, why bother?" The continued existence of the electoral college doesn't refute that statement. Ditch it and watch voter turnout rise dramatically.